Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 44, Target

This ad for Target was covering the entire wall of a huge building on Sunset Blvd.  I find them interesting, and often beautiful.  However, their presence as I mentioned before is intrusive and many dislike them.  My problem with them is that anyone who has money can get a "free lease on our eyes" as Marshall McLuhan commented about billboard advertisement, but another communicative method, graffiti, that is the voice of the ordinary people is illegal and punishable by law. ( )

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 43, Spider-Man

Movie billboards in Los Angeles are big.  After all this is the movie making capital of the world (excuse me India).  It was a stormy day and the east was covered with dark clouds.  The sun was shining from the west.  I thought it was the most beautiful light for this billboard, gloomy a bit, but Spider-Man is there to save us all from the forces of evil! (

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 42, Sunset Place

I am really intrigued that people are conditioned to quickly digest commercial messages and get on with their lives, as if nothing has happened.  The reality is that so much like a subliminal message, buried within the body of a particular information, billboard messages also sink into the viewers minds and reside there uninvited for a long time.  (   

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 41, "True Blood"

Ok, let's get to something different and if you like to see more of the architectural work visit my web site at  
Billboards are designed to be out of reach, above everything else and untouchable. Nevertheless, in a city like Los Angeles, they also dominate our urban landscape in a very intrusive manner.  Without really noticing, most urban dwellers' physical and mental spaces are quietly invaded by these giants above.  Yet, isolated from the immediate surroundings, a billboard possesses a certain beauty that is the result of its unique make, position, design and the clear message. Afternoon light and blue sky in West Los Angeles has made this image a very attractive one, in my humble opinion.  I love the mood!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 40, Triumvirate

The question put to me is always "did you put the three balls where they are?"  My answer is always no, but I kicked the red one in from three feet away.  The balls were there on the beach after a storm in Playa Del Rey, California.  I love the combination of the balls and their shadows. Sun is a good partner to a photographer. (