Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Images # 52, Maedchen

Most graffiti works and bills people post have no signatures.  Some artists and their styles seem to be at least known in their own circles. I usually crop what I like from the walls and create new contexts.  This image was taken in Basel, Switzerland.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Images # 51, Madrid Wall

Could postings and graffiti work tell a different story about the society we live in than the TV news and popular shows?  ( )

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Images # 50, Discontent

There is something communal about graffiti art.  I understand that some people find it ugly, but I believe it's  a channel of communication that needs to be left open.  This wall is amazing. It seems that people enjoy adding more "messages" to the already saturated wall, either in response or unrelated to one another.  If you gaze long enough, you will hear voices.  ( )

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Images # 49, Voice of Mass Dissent

Posters/flyers on top of posters/flyers, some intact, some torn find their place anywhere within our sight wether we like it or not.  The juxtaposition is not accidental.  KPFK flyer and its "Voice of Mass Dissent" message fits well with the content (or lack there of) below it. ( )

Ali R. Photography, Images # 47, 48, "Fantasy" and "Untitled"

Looking at the past few days of postings, you might have noticed that billboards are about icons and brands.  Few words are used.  They sell fantasy, places you rather be instead of working 9-5 every day, buying products that could transform you into "them," and adventures that you cannot afford.  It's all good news though.  Up there everyone and everything look happy.  Yet, down below, we live the hardest time this country has experienced in a long time.  People are hurting and their messages in the form of graffiti and posters turn the walls of our cities into their diaries.  As I said before, one is encouraged and another is criminalized.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Images # 45, 46, Volvo, Santa Monica Blvd.

The streets in LA tell more about the kind of society we live in than any other city I know.  New york is also a city of shops and restaurants, but LA always remind you of consumption.  Second image is stunning.  Do we really pay any specific attention to all the signs seen here?  ( )