Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 117, Venice, California

I attended a meeting on photography, with a few legends discussing the path a particular photography organization should take to educate and serve its members.  The result was not definitive, since the discussion would turn to techniques, or film versus digital issue, with a certain amount of nostalgia towards film.  I thought that a productive approach for a photography organization would be to arrange a variety of discussions around issues that affected photography in the past and the ones pertinent to our time and modern societies.  Then, allow the photographers make their own informed decisions regarding the paths they take.  One such topic is the ease and extent of manipulation and alteration of digital photographs and their roles in forming our individual and collective memories.  I am sure that you have seen plenty of doctored images in recent years and agree that the phrase "a photograph never lies" has lost its luster, or no longer represent any truth.  Let's look at three images I planned for inclusion in a group show that did not happen.  The idea was to expose the viewers with the following questions; "Does a photograph tell the truth?  And, what is 'being truthful' in the digital age?"  There are four people on the beach.  All four could have been present, or perhaps not.  You be the judge.   Only one photograph is real, the other two are manipulated.
If three people see only one photograph each, who is holding the true memory of that day?  I guess only the persons in the photographs and me know the answer.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 116, Quebec City, Canada

This shot was very intriguing.  Without reflections it would have been a boring one.  There is again a combination of reality and illusion that leaves the viewer in a position of uncertainty. (  

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 115, Downtown Los Angeles

Most parts of downtown Los Angeles are lonely and empty places in the evenings.  Perhaps trucks frequent this site before 6 P.M., or maybe not.  The emptiness and the promise of business activities was intriguing. (

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 114, Barcellona, Spain

Should an image challenge its viewers by offering them an unconventional angle/composition of an ordinary scene, like this photograph of two people sitting on a bench and engaging in a lively discussion?  I think you will try to understand this image the moment you see it, and will figure it out after some thinking.    (

Monday, September 27, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 111, Untitled, Montreal, Canada

As I mentioned before, I like reality and illusion mixed up, in order to draw attention to how city structures reflect the life around them. (

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 110, Untitled, Brentwood, California

Reflection of objects and sceneries in a store window mixed with what lays behind the glass reveals the illusionary nature of photography itself.  The camera and the scene photographed are always face to face in the same manner.  (

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 109, Untitled

I totally love Montreal.  On the East Coast, it rivals New York in
everything. It's bustling with life in the summer and yes, a little
cold in the winter. I found this image interesting for the contrast it presents.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 108, Cityscape, Cambridge

Well, I have not been around for a while.  Not good if I were to post an image a day!  I moved back to Boston from Los Angeles.  I have lived much longer in Massachusetts than California, but I consider both coastal states my home.  After I finish with the Cityscape images, I will share with you some images from my trip.  I drove through the country for the third time.
This image was taken in Cambridge, Kendall Square.  The structure always fascinated me with the golden pyramids under and above.  I think I owe you a research to find out what this whole thing is about.  

Monday, July 19, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 106, Boston Chinatown

Occasionally cities change without drawing much attention. New buildings replace the old ones and the look and character of neighborhoods are significantly altered. Sometimes, for a short period of time, the ghost of a place and those who lived there linger on. Here in Chinatown, downtown Boston, one could see the smoke rising from the chimneys of this long-gone-residence. ( )

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 105, Boston Cityscape

From the "Cityscape" portfolio. (

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 104, Boston Cityscape

Cities fascinate me.  Humans are blamed for every atrocity imagined and blamed rightfully for the destruction of our natural environment. We certainly are foolish and inconsiderate. Unfortunately, the future generations will pay for our sins. Yet, man-made environment is also full of opportunities for photographers who see beyond the obvious and spend time searching for unusual images. I capture the elusive moments that many disregard. I am fully aware that this statement sounds cliche and tired, but if you look at my work at , you might agree with me. The challenge as always is to turn the ordinary scenes into something interesting.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 103, Salton sea, California

From the "California Landscape" portfolio. ( )

Friday, July 2, 2010

Ali R. Farhoodi, Image # 102, Salton Sea, California

Despite its resilience, nature is fragile and delicate.  The disappearance of one species affects the rest of of a very interdependent system.  I went to a lecture at the Annenberg Space for Photography on Thursday, July 1, 2010.  The main presenter, Robert Glenn Ketchum was brilliant, both a great photographer and an articulate speaker and conservationist.  His images of Alaskan landscape was breathtakingly beautiful, and his concern for its possible destruction by a coalition of multi-national mining companies was well received and appreciated by the audience.  As people who call this planet home, we are quite irresponsible caretakers.  We all can help if educate ourselves about the current threats to our environment, and yes be active in protecting it from the greedy corporations.  We ought to participate in our government decision-making and do not allow events such as the oil leak in the Golf of Mexico becomes a common happening.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ali R. Farhoodi, Image # 101, Salton Sea, California

From the "California Landscape" portfolio. (

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 100, Salton Sea, California

Something is very wrong for the fish.  "Salton Sea Authority" site states that "salinity has been identified as the number 1 challenge..." It calls it a "time bomb." The more salinity, the more fish will die and with that other species that depend on the fish will also die off. There is a restoration project in effect to revive this very important body of water and natural habitat.  Read more at:
and more sites if you google "Salton Sea."

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 99, Salton Sea, California

From the "California Landscape" portfolio. ( )

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 98, Salton Sea, California

Flowers wrapped, left to die like many other things around the Salton Sea.  Perhaps they were once fresh, a token of one's love to another. But why? Why would someone leave them here to dry and die?  Good question that applies to this body of water too.  Why are we humans so careless about the environment? ( )

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 97, Salton Sea, California

From the "California Landscape" portfolio. ( )

Ali R. Farhoodi, Image # 96, Salton Sea, California

From the "California Landscape" portfolio. ( )

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 95, Salton Sea, California

A few months ago I visited Salton Sea in California.  I drove with a few friends to Palm Spring and then off to visit the "Sea."  According to Wikipedia , "The Salton Sea is a salineendorheic rift lake located directly on the San Andreas Fault in California's Border Region. The lake occupies the lowest elevations of the Salton Sink in the Colorado Desert of Imperial and Riverside Counties in Southern California. Like Death Valley, it is located below sea level, with the current surface of the Salton Sea at 226 ft (69 m) below sea level. The deepest area of the sea is 5 ft (1.5 m) higher than the lowest point of Death Valley. The sea is fed by the NewWhitewater, and Alamo rivers, as well as a number of minor agricultural drainage systems and creeks." 
It gets really hot there and the odor is very strong, dead fish, everywhere.  The sea does not have a natural outlet, so the quality of its water is of prime concern.  This site gives you enough information about this place, attractions and challenges.  I found it beautiful in a lonely manner.  There were a few people around and many abandoned buildings, mobile units and yes, trash.  The visit was short since one member of our party did not feel well.  I intend to visit the area again in a week or so. ( )

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 94, Halloween, Los Angeles

From the "Halloween" portfolio. (

Monday, June 7, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 90, Halloween, Los Angeles

I wonder if people feel freer to express their political views wearing masks?  People with masks usually are hiding something rather than revealing.  It's ironic, isn't it?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 84, Halloween, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, or commonly called West Hollywood Halloween is huge. Five or six large blocks are assigned to attendees to freely roam back and forth, and show off their costumes. No one looks strange or alien this night. Everyone, no matter how strange, gory or unusual is welcomed enthusiastically. In fact, the more unusual, the better!
( )

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 83, Halloween, Los Angeles

Halloween in Los Angeles is an event that should not be missed by visitors and locals.  It's a fascinating night of role playing, and an occasion to be whoever you want to be.  The limit is one's imagination and the budget.  The best I could do was to be "Zorro!" Sounds cheap and uninspiring, doesn't it?  And, no this is not me.  I actually dislike photographing myself!!! ( )

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 82, Untitled

From the "Ephemeral Visions" portfolio. ( )

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 81, Untitled

From the "Ephemeral Visions" portfolio. ( )

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 80, untitled

From the "Ephemeral Visions" portfolio. ( )

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 79, Untitled

From the "Ephemeral Visions" portfolio. ( )

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 78, Untitled

From the "Ephemeral Visions" portfolio. ( )

Ali R. Photography, Image # 77, Untitled

From the "Ephemeral Visions" portfolio. ( )

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 76, Untitled

From the "Ephemeral Visions" portfolio. ( )

Ali R. Photography, Image # 75, Untitled

From the "Ephemeral Visions" portfolio. ( )

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 74, Untitled

From the "Ephemeral Visions" portfolio. ( )

Friday, April 30, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 73, Untitled

From the "Ephemeral Visions" portfolio. (

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 72, Ephemeral

My apartment is very small.  The body feels confined, but the mind 
is agile. As I move through the space, from the corners of my 
eyes I see walls and objects passing by rapidly.The visions 
are ephemeral, leaving impressions for a short period 
of time, then disappearing forever.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 71, Untitled

Here is what California beaches look like on weekends!  Santa Monica is a popular destination for people from every corner of the world.  I usually bike to the pier and if I feel so take a few shots. ( )

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ali R. Photography, Image # 70, Untitled

There are so many man-made structures that have been challenged and destroyed by the ocean in California.  Some had been around for years, but wiped out in a few days by powerful waves of a storm.  I have such respect for the sea and am in awe with it.  When it is calm, its waves are soothing and gentle.  When angry, it roars and punches furiously.  I hope that I always live somewhere close to it.  The men who are fishing on the rocks probably used to do it off the pier that is no longer standing. (