Friday, July 2, 2010

Ali R. Farhoodi, Image # 102, Salton Sea, California

Despite its resilience, nature is fragile and delicate.  The disappearance of one species affects the rest of of a very interdependent system.  I went to a lecture at the Annenberg Space for Photography on Thursday, July 1, 2010.  The main presenter, Robert Glenn Ketchum was brilliant, both a great photographer and an articulate speaker and conservationist.  His images of Alaskan landscape was breathtakingly beautiful, and his concern for its possible destruction by a coalition of multi-national mining companies was well received and appreciated by the audience.  As people who call this planet home, we are quite irresponsible caretakers.  We all can help if educate ourselves about the current threats to our environment, and yes be active in protecting it from the greedy corporations.  We ought to participate in our government decision-making and do not allow events such as the oil leak in the Golf of Mexico becomes a common happening.

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